Week 1 |
W |
Sep 4 |
Engelke: Introduction
Read the syllabus (you will report a separate reading score on the syllabus as well) |
| F |
Sep 6 |
Engelke: Chapter 1, “Culture”
Miner, Horace (1956). Body Ritual Among the Nacirema. American Anthropologist, 58(3), 503-507. |
Week 2 |
M |
Sep 9 |
Culture: What is it? |
Shweder, Richard (2003). Introduction. In, Why do men barbecue?: Recipes for cultural psychology. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Suggested Further Reading:
Shweder, Richard (1984). Anthropology’s Romantic Rebellion Against the Enlightenment, Or There's More To Thinking Than Reason and Evidence. In Shweder and LeVine (Eds.), Culture Theory (pp. 27-66). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Sahlins, Marshall (1999). Two or Three Things that I Know about Culture. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 5(3), 399-421. |
| W |
Sep 11 |
What Anthros Do |
Geertz, Clifford (1973). Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture. In C. Geertz (Ed.), The Interpretation of Cultures (pp. 3-30). New York: Basic Books. |
| F |
Sep 13 |
Engelke: Chapter 3, “Values”
Read The Coddling of the American Mind or listen to the radio broadcast on KUER’s RadioWest where one of the authors and someone presenting an alternative viewpoint are interviewed (or read one and listen to the other!). Consider your position on these issues of free speech, the importance of being exposed to new ideas, and the values of protecting people from potential emotional harm. |
Week 3 |
M |
Sep 16 |
Colonialism and "Civilizing Projects" |
Engelke: Chapter 2, “Civilization”
Watch Vietnam, A Television History, Part 1: Roots of a War and Vietnam, A Television History, Part 2: America''s Mandarin 1954-1963 |
| W |
Sep 18 |
Case Study: Hmong and the Refugee Experience |
Yang, Read pp.1-31 |
| F |
Sep 20 |
Ethnographic Project Research Prospectus Due
Yang, Read pp. 32-93 |
Week 4 |
M |
Sep 23 |
Yang, Read pp. 94-129 |
| T |
Sep 24 |
Speaker: Kao Kalia Yang Marriott Center 11:05 am Attendance Required |
| W |
Sep 25 |
Yang, Read pp.133-202 |
| F |
Sep 27 |
Miscellaneous Assignment: University Forum Write-up Due
Yang, Read pp. 203-267 |
Week 5 |
M |
Sep 30 |
Culture and Health |
Hickman, Jacob R. (2007). "Is it the Spirit or the Body?": Syncretism of Health Beliefs among Hmong Immigrants to Alaska. NAPA Bulletin, 27(1), 176-195.
Suggested Further Reading:
Hickman, Jacob R. (2014). Ancestral personhood and moral justification. Anthropological Theory 14(3): 317-335. |
| W |
Oct 2 |
Human Origins |
Geertz, Clifford (1965). The Impact of the Concept of Culture on the Concept of Man. In The interpretation of cultures (pp. 33-54). New York: Basic Books.
Hickman, Jacob R. (In Press). The Origins of Culture. In H. L. Miller (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Suggested Further Reading:
Wood, Bernard A. 2005. Human evolution: a very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (selections)
Fleagle, John G. (2013). Fossil Hominins, the Bipedal Primates. In J. G. Fleagle (Ed.), Primate Adaptation and Evolution (3rd ed. pp. 361-394). New York: Academic Press.
The Smithsonian Human Origins Program has a number of good resources, including an interactive timeline and a number of interesting videos and a slideshow that give further information about the human origins story and include a rich discussion of the intersection of religious and scientific perspectives on human origins. |
| F |
Oct 4 |
Original Affluent Society |
First Essay Due
Sahlins, Marshall D. (1972). The Original Affluent Society. In M. Sahlins (Ed.), Stone Age Economics (Read pp. 1-29). Chicago: Aldine Atherton, Inc.
Lappé, Frances Moore, and Joseph Collins (2010). Why Can’t People Feed Themselves? (Article 33). In Elvio Angeloni (Ed.), Annual Editions: Anthropology 03/04 (26th ed., pp. 188-192). Guildford, CT: McGraw-Hill.
Suggested Further Reading:
VSI: Chapter 6
Wallerstein, Immanuel (2006). World-Systems Analysis: An Introduction. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. (selections) |
Week 6 |
M |
Oct 7 |
Race |
Montagu, Ashley (1962). The Concept of Race. American Anthropologist, 64(5), 919-928.
Suggested Further Reading:
Gravlee, Clarence C. (2009). How Race Becomes Biology: Embodiment of Social Inequality. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 139:47-57. |
| W |
Oct 9 |
Nationalism |
Barth, Fredrik. (1969). Introduction. In F. Barth (Ed.), Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference (pp. 9-38). Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, Inc. |
| F |
Oct 11 |
Anthropology, Applied |
First Miscellaneous Assignment Due
McCracken, Grant David (2009). Chief Culture Officer: How to Create a Living, Breathing Corporation. New York: Basic Books. (selections) |
Week 7 |
M |
Oct 14 |
Culture Changes |
Sahlins, Marshall (1981). Historical Metaphors and Mythical Realities: Structure in the Early History of the Sandwich Islands Kingdom. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. (selections) |
| W |
Oct 16 |
World System |
GUEST LECTURE: Dr. Bruce Cohen (hosted by Dr. Charles Nuckolls)
Reading: Marx, Karl, with Friedrich Engels (1998 [1888]). The Communist Manifesto. New York: Penguin Books.
| F |
Oct 18 |
Engelke: Chapter 4, “Value” |
Week 8 |
M |
Oct 21 |
Case Study: Mind, Self, Emotion |
GUEST LECTURE: Greg Thompson and a guest
Cassaniti, Read pp. 1-45
Suggested Further Reading:
Shweder, Richard A (2003). Toward a deep cultural psychology of shame. Social Research 70(4): 1109-1130.
Rosaldo, Michele (1984). Toward an Anthropology of Self and Feeling. In Shweder and LeVine (Eds.), Culture Theory (pp. 137-157). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. |
| W |
Oct 23 |
Cassaniti, Read pp. 46-84
Suggested Further Reading:
Cassaniti, Julia L. (2014). Moralizing Emotion: A Breakdown in Thailand. Anthropological Theory, 14(3), 280-300. |
| F |
Oct 25 |
Cassaniti, Read pp. 87-146
Suggested Further Reading:
Levy, Robert (1984). Emotion, Knowing and Culture. In Richard Shweder and Robert LeVine (Eds.), Culture Theory (pp. 214-237). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. |
Week 9 |
M |
Oct 28 |
Cultural Psychology: The co-constitution of mind and culture |
Cassaniti, Read pp. 149-185 |
| W |
Oct 30 |
Culture as Models |
D’Andrade, Roy (1984). Cultural Meaning Systems. In Shweder and LeVine (Eds.), Culture Theory (pp.88-119). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Suggested Further Reading:
Shweder, Richard A. (1990). Cultural Psychology - What Is It? In J.W. Stigler, R.A. Shweder, & G. Herdt (Eds.), Cultural Psychology: Essays on Comparative Human Development (pp. 1-43). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Hickman, Jacob R. (2010). Psychology and Anthropology. In H. J. Birx (Ed.), 21st Century Anthropology: A Reference Handbook (pp. 950-959). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. |
| F |
Nov 1 |
Kinship |
Engelke: Chapter 5, “Blood”
Goldstein, Melvyn C. (1987). When Brothers Share a Wife: Among Tibetans, the Good Life Relegates Many Women to Spinsterhood. Natural History, 96(3), 109-112.
Suggested Further Reading:
Sahlins, Marshall (2011). What Kinship Is (Part One). The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 17, 2-19. |
Week 10 |
M |
Nov 4 |
Gender and Sexuality |
Field Journal and Interview Summaries Due
Ahmadu, Fuambai (2000). Rites and Wrongs: Excision and Power among Kono Women of Sierra Leone. In Female ‘‘Circumcision’’in Africa: Culture, Controversy and Change, edited by Bettina Shell-Duncan and Ylva Hernlund (pp. 283-312). Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Williams, Walter L. (2010). The Berdache Tradition (Article 23). In Elvio Angeloni (Ed.), Annual Editions: Anthropology 03/04 (26th ed., pp.134-139). Guilford, CT: McGraw-Hill.
Suggested Further Reading:
Abu-Lughod, Lila (1990). The Romance of Resistance: Tracing Transformations of Power Through Bedouin Women. American Ethnologist, 17(1), 41-55.
Menon, Usha, & Richard A. Shweder (1998). The Return of the "White Man's Burden": The Moral Discourse of Anthropology and the Domestic Life of Hindu Women. In Richard Shweder (Ed.), Welcome to Middle Age! (And Other Cultural Fictions) (pp. 139-188). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Menon, Usha (2002). Neither Victim nor Rebel: Feminism and the Morality of Gender and Family Life in a Hindu Temple Town. In Richard A. Shweder, Martha Minow, and Hazel Rose Markus (Eds.), Engaging Cultural Differences: The Multicultural Challenge in Liberal Democracies (pp. 288-308). New York: Russell Sage Foundation. |
| W |
Nov 6 |
Authority |
Engelke: Chapter 7, “Authority"
Galemba, Rebecca (2012). “Corn is food, not contraband”: The right to “free trade” at the Mexico–Guatemala border. American Ethnologist 39(4): 716-734.
Suggested Further Reading:
Sahlins, Marshall D. (1963). Poor Man, Rich Man, Big-Man, Chief: Political Types in Melanesia and Polynesia. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 5(3), 285-303. |
| F |
Nov 8 |
Second Miscellaneous Assignment Due
Engelke: Chapter 6, “Identity”
Suggested Further Reading:
Kozak, David. (2010). Shamanisms Past and Present (Article 25). In, Annual Editions: Anthropology 10/11, 33rd Edition. Elvio Angeloni, Ed. New York: McGraw Hill. |
Week 11 |
M |
Nov 11 |
Language |
Gal, Susan. (2012). The Role of Language in Ethnographic Method. In R. Fardon, O. Harris, T. H. J. Marchand, M. Nuttall, C. Shore, V. Strang & R. A. Wilson (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Social Anthropology (Vol. 1, pp. 38-53). London: Sage.
Suggested Further Reading:
Lucy, John (1997). Linguistic Relativity. Annual Review of Anthropology, 26, 291-312.
Evans, Nicholas, & Stephen C. Levinson (2009). The Myth of Language Universals: Language Diversity and Its Importance for Cognitive Science. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 32, 429-448. |
| W |
Nov 13 |
Case Study: Religion |
Webster, Read the Prologue, Introduction, pp. 47-55, and Chapter 2 (about 50 pages total) |
| F |
Nov 15 |
Webster, Read Chapters 3, 4 |
Week 12 |
M |
Nov 18 |
Webster, Read Chapters 5-6 |
| W |
Nov 20 |
American Anthropological Association Meetings |
| F |
Nov 22 |
Webster, Read Chapter 7 and Conclusion |
Week 13 |
M |
Nov 25 |
Case Study: The Culture of Science |
Second Essay Due
Suggested Further Reading:
Engelke: Chapter 8, “Reason” |
| T |
Nov 26 |
Friday Instruction Day, but... |
NO CLASS: Have a good Thanksgiving Break!
Please start reading ahead to make it easier on yourself during the home stretch. |
| F |
Nov 27-29 |
Thanksgiving Holiday |
Week 14 |
M |
Dec 2 |
Engelke: Chapter 9, “Nature” and “Conclusion” |
| W |
Dec 4 |
Latour, Bruno. (2010). On the Modern Cult of the Factish Gods. Durham: Duke University Press. (Select pages) |
| Th |
Dec 5 |
| F |
Dec 6 |
The ‘Authority’ of Science |
Ethnographic Project Final Analysis Due
As you listen to and read this material (please do it in that order), consider the question: How do we decide where authoritative knowledge comes from? What assumptions do the podcasters make about 'science' versus other ways of knowing? How might that relate to the ways you believe in something that may not be particularly 'scientific'? You do not need to listen to the whole podcast. You can stop after 42 minutes.
The Science of Racism: Radiolab's Treatment of Hmong Experience by Kao Kalia Yang
Radiolab Episode:
Week 15 |
M |
Dec 9 |
Naturalism and Theism |
Third Miscellaneous Assignment Due
Workshop Packet: The Core Features of Naturalism and Some Theistic Alternatives |
| W |
Dec 11 |
Conclusion |
Shweder, Richard (1991). Post-Nietzschean Anthropology: The Idea of Multiple Objective Worlds. In R.A. Shweder (Ed.), Thinking Through Cultures: Expeditions in Cultural Psychology (pp. 27-72). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Read pp. 27-34, 38, 42-49, 54-60, 64-67. If you opt to read the entire essay thoroughly, you can give yourself a '7' for a reading score (email your TA to enter the score). |